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== Spam ==
According to [[Special:Popularpages]], the various pages in the Demonstration section are the most visited parts of the wiki, so I moved that section to the top of the main page.  --[[User:Andrel|Andrel]] 09:19, 26 April 2006 (PDT)

Hello, it seems there is at least one spammer who injects spam into this wiki on a regular schedule. The list of URLs this spammer appends to articles is quite constant (google bombing?).
== Work in Progress ==

Is it possible to reject any edits containing certain words (in this case: URLs)?
It's not clear on first view (to me at least) that
[[Main Page#Work in Progress]] is a link to
[[Work In Progress]] (as none of the other section headings
are). Possibly it should be a normal heading with the link
in a short text below (à la [[Main Page#Other software]]).

Maik Merten
[[User:Imalone|Imalone]] 05:22, 1 February 2006 (PST)

:According to [ this page], it is possible to ban certain URLs. "A developer can add their site to the list of bad URLs. You can't save a page with a bad URL in it."
You are free to fix that. It's a wiki after all -- [[User:Jmspeex|Jmspeex]] 19:22, 1 February 2006 (PST)

::Or, for a first measure, some admin could block the offending ip address(range). Maybe someone also wants to send an abuse record to the corresponding provider, found by a whois query for these addresses.
Done (just didn't want to trample all over the front page) -- [[User:Imalone|Imalone]] 04:33, 2 February 2006 (PST)

== Hey. ==
== Lock This Page ==

This is a BRILLIANT idea. peercast is pissing me off. this seems like a better idea to me.
On all/most other wikis the Main Page is locked so only admins can edit it. Due to the amount of vandalism, I think the [[Main Page]] should be locked and all changes discussed here. --[[User:SonicChao|SonicChao]] 05:11, 27 August 2006 (PDT)

== Monthly Meeting Logfiles ==
:Done !

Do you plan to (re-)post the logfiles of the monthly meetings? The logs were a good way to see what's going on, and I'd love to see them posted again.
== Paranoia / cdparanoia ==

--[[User:Eazee|Eazee]] 11:50, 4 Sep 2004 (PDT)
Why is there no listing under software of paranoia or cdparanoia?  Also, there is no listing on the main page.  Is that software acknowlegded? --[[User:WhiteDragon|WhiteDragon]] 19:52, 9 September 2006 (PDT)

Ah, you already have. Excellent :)
== Suggestion :-O ==
First I want to congratulate you on the wonderful work being done. Thank you very much :-)
Please allow anonymous edits (like wikipedia does) b'caus i'm too lazy to login :-)

--[[User:Eazee|Eazee]] 14:55, 5 Sep 2004 (PDT)
:I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume the ton of hidden links I just culled has nothing to do with you... I can't speak for the people running Xiph but requiring a login reduces some of the flood of spam that shows up here, and Wikipedia has many more resources available to deal with it than this wiki does. [[User:Imalone|Imalone]] 06:06, 24 November 2006 (PST)

== Proposal for a developer section ==

It's a wiki. you could also post them :)
As more developers start to "get it" about how ultra cool Ogg / Vorbis / Theora / etc is, wouldn't it be great to have a wiki section devoted to helping these budding programmers along?  eg: i've written some nice code i'd be happy to share. Could contain a programming FAQ, how-to's, and real code.  Thoughts? [[User:Davec|Davec]] 13:44, 6 December 2006 (PST)

== Why CamelCase? ==

And I would have, had I known where to find them ;)
MediaWiki supports free links, why are most page titles in the CamelCase format? - [[User:Sikon|Sikon]] 05:34, 27 February 2007 (PST)
:CamelCase?  I don't see what you mean.  If you think something's wrong, you may go ahead and change it.  That's what wikis are for.--[[User:Saoshyant|Saoshyant]] 05:37, 27 February 2007 (PST)
:[[WhatHappened|Historical reasons]].  The original wiki used software that only supported [ CamelCase].  For new pages it is fine to use free links.  I suggest not renaming pages, as many of them have good search ranking. [[User:Andrel|Andrel]] 07:03, 27 February 2007 (PST)
I see now.  And thanks for the WhatHappened link, Andrel.  I managed to recover two pages so far from web archive.  I wonder if I'll savage it further.--[[User:Saoshyant|Saoshyant]] 08:28, 27 February 2007 (PST)

--[[User:Eazee|Eazee]] 09:17, 6 Sep 2004 (PDT)
== ICECast2 vs vBulletin ==
[ 二茂铁]
[ 二萘酚]
[ 二羟基苯甲酸]
[ 二羟基苯腈]
[ 二羟甲基丙酸]
[ 二羟甲基海因]
[ 二氢芳樟醇]
[ 二氢黄樟素]
[ 二氢月桂烯]
[ 二氢月桂烯醇]
[ 二巯基丙磺酸钠]
[ 二壬基萘磺酸钡]
[ 二壬基萘磺酸钡盐]
[ 二叔丁基过氧化]
[ 二叔丁基过氧化氢]
[ 二特丁基对苯二酚]
[ 二烯丙基胺]
[ 二硝基甲苯]
[ 二辛酯]
[ 二溴丁烷]
[ 二溴海因]
[ 二溴基氰乙酰胺]
[ 二盐基亚磷酸]
[ 二盐基亚磷酸铅]
[ 二氧丙烷]
[ 二氧化锆]
[ 二氧化硫脲]
[ 二氧化碳]
[ 二氧六环]
[ 二氧七环]
[ 二氧五环]
[ 二乙二醇二醋酸酯]
[ 二乙基氨基甲基丙烯酸乙酯]
[ 二乙基苯胺]
[ 二乙基二硫]
[ 二乙基羟胺]
[ 二乙醚]
[ 二乙烯三胺]
[ 二异丙醇胺]
[ 二异丙基苯胺]
[ 二异丙基酚]
[ 二异丁基酮]
[ 二异丁酯]
[ 二元醇醚类]
[ 二月桂酸]
[ 发光粉]
[ 发泡剂]
[ 发泡阻燃材料]
[ 发烟硫酸]
[ 钒锆黄]
[ 反丁烯二酸]
[ 反式对甲基环己甲]
[ 泛醇]
[ 泛解酸内酯]
[ 泛酸钙]
[ 芳基硅烷]
[ 芳烃溶剂油]
[ 芳香酸甲酯]
[ 芳樟醇]
[ 防白水]
[ 防腐油漆]
[ 防火堵料]
[ 防火涂料]
[ 防老剂]
[ 防霉剂]
[ 防水粘合材料]
[ 防锈蜡]
[ 仿陶瓷的花盆]
[ 纺丝油剂]
[ 纺织蜡]
[ 纺织印染助剂]
[ 纺织用油]
[ 非离子表面活性剂]
[ 非洛地平]
[ 非诺贝特]
[ 非诺贝特酸]
[ 菲醌]
[ 废硫酸]
[ 酚醛树脂]
[ 阳极电泳漆]
[ 封口蜡]
[ 蜂胶]
[ 蜂蜡]
[ 蜂王浆]
[ 呋喃]
[ 呋喃甲醇]
[ 呋喃甲醛]
[ 呋喃树脂]
[ 水合肼]
[ 水肌酸]
[ 水基清防蜡剂]
[ 水解聚丙烯腈]
[ 水晶]
[ 水晶蜡]
[ 水泥]
[ 水泥分散剂]
[ 水泥缓凝剂]
[ 水溶性氮酮]
[ 氧基硅烷]
[ 水溶性硅油]
[ 水乳剂]
[ 水性木]
[ 水性上光油]
[ 水性亚光型光油]
[ 水杨酸]
[ 水杨酸苯酯]
[ 水杨酸甲酯]
[ 水杨酸辛酯]
[ 水杨酰胺]
[ 顺丁胶]
[ 顺丁烯二酸酐]
[ 氟苯]
[ 氟苯基]
[ 氟代苯]
[ 氟代二苯甲酮]
[ 氟代烷基硅烷]
[ 氟锆酸钾]
[ 氟硅酸钠]
[ 氟化铵]
[ 氟化钙]
[ 氟化钾]
[ 氟化铝]
[ 氟化钠]
[ 氟化氢铵]
[ 氟化氢钾]
[ 氟化氢纳]
[ 氟化锶]
[ 氟磺酸]
[ 氟甲苯]
[ 氟尿嘧啶]
[ 氟硼酸钾]
[ 氟硼酸钠]
[ 氟西汀]
[ 氟硝基苯]
[ 氟乙酸甲酯]
[ 氟致冷剂]
[ 复合高效抗磨减摩剂]
[ 复合胶]
[ 复合聚酯膜]
[ 复合铅盐稳定剂]
[ 复混肥]
[ 复配型果蔬保鲜剂]
[ 富镧氯化稀土]
[ 富马酸]
[ 改性防沉剂]
[ 改性三聚]
[ 改质沥青]
[ 钙基膨润土]
[ 干酪素]
[ 干湿强剂]
[ 甘氨酸]
[ 甘氨酸钠]
[ 甘宝素]
[ 甘露醇]
[ 甘油]
[ 感光化学品]
[ 钢蜡]
[ 高补强白碳黑]
[ 高纯氨水]
[ 高纯硅酸钠溶液]
[ 高纯氢]
[ 高纯碳酸锶]
[ 高纯稀土]
[ 高沸点芳烃溶剂]
[ 高分子复合粘合剂]
[ 高光滑爽型水性光油]
[ 高光亮水性光油]
[ 高回弹泡沫]
[ 高氯化聚乙烯]
[ 高氯酸锂]
[ 高锰酸钾]
[ 高水溶性硫酸钾]
[ 高温导热油]
[ 高效活性聚合物驱油剂]
[ 高效节油剂]
[ 高效渗透促进剂]
[ 高效脱模剂]
[ 高沼气煤矿水胶炸药]
[ 锆氟酸铵]
[ 锆氟酸钾]
[ 锆刚玉]
[ 锆英粉]
[ 隔膜烧碱]
[ 铬矿]
[ 铬酸酐]
[ 铬酸锶]
[ 庚醇]
[ 庚醛]
[ 庚酸]
[ 庚酰氯]
[ 工程塑料]
[ 工程塑料母料]
[ 工业氨水]
[ 工业白油]
[ 工业冰醋酸]
[ 工业冰乙酸]
[ 工业硅酸铅]
[ 工业级戊二酸]
[ 工业甲基萘]
[ 工业磷酸]
[ 工业氯化铵]
[ 工业氯化钾]
[ 工业氯乙酸]
[ 工业清洗剂]
[ 工业水杨酸]
[ 工业涂料]
[ 工业硝酸钾]
[ 工业盐酸]
[ 工业乙酸酐]
[ 工业用甲醇]
[ 工业用油]
[ 工业用油酸]
[ 工艺品树脂]
[ 工艺品专用漆]
[ 功夫酸]
[ 功能母料]
[ 古马隆树脂]
[ 骨胶]
[ 固色剂]
[ 固体光气]
[ 固体磺化沥青]
[ 固体硫磺]
[ 固体乙醇]
[ 光引发剂]
[ 光致变色材料]
[ 胱氨酸]
[ 硅灰石]
[ 硅胶]
[ 硅凝胶]
[ 硅树脂]
[ 硅酸锆]
[ 硅酸钾溶液]
[ 硅酸乙酯]
[ 硅烷偶联剂]
[ 硅微粉]
[ 硅橡胶]
[ 癸二酸]
[ 癸烷油]
[ 国标异丙醇]
[ 果冻蜡]
[ 过磷酸钙]
[ 过硫酸]
[ 过氧化苯甲酸叔丁酯]
[ 过氧化二苯甲酰]
[ 过氧化二叔丁基]
[ 过氧化甲乙酮]
[ 过氧化氢]
[ 过氧化锶]
[ 过氧乙酸]
[ 海藻酸钠]
[ 焊接净]
[ 焊咀防堵剂]
[ 航空煤油]
[ 合成氨]
[ 合成树脂]
[ 合成纤维]
[ 合成纤维单体]
[ 合成橡胶]
[ 合成载热体]
[ 合成樟脑粉]
[ 褐藻多糖]
[ 褐藻酸钠]
[ 黑白彩色母料]
[ 红丹]
[ 红矾钾]
[ 红矾钠]
[ 红铅丹]
[ 琥珀酸]
[ 滑石粉]
[ 化纤桨料]
[ 化学纤维油剂]
[ 化妆品硅油]
[ 环保桶]
[ 环丙胺]
[ 环丙基氰盐酸盐]
[ 环丁砜]
[ 环合物]
[ 环几亚胺]
[ 环己甲酸]
[ 环己甲酰氯]
[ 环己酮]
[ 环己酮环]
[ 环烷酸]
[ 环戊酮]
[ 环戊烷]
[ 环戊烯]
[ 环氧丙烷]
[ 环氧大豆油]
[ 环氧环己烷]
[ 环氧类涂料]
[ 环氧氯丙烷]
[ 环氧煤沥青]
[ 环氧树脂]
[ 环氧系列阳极电泳漆]
[ 环氧乙烷]
[ 环氧脂肪酸丁酯]
[ 环氧脂肪酸辛酯]
[ 环氧酯]
[ 环已酮]
[ 环已烷]
[ 缓蚀剂]
[ 缓蚀阻垢剂]
[ 黄丹]
[ 黄蜂蜡]
[ 黄糊精]
[ 黄磷]
[ 黄铅丹]
[ 黄血盐钾]
[ 黄血盐钠]
[ 黄樟油]
[ 磺胺醋酰钠]
[ 磺胺间二甲氧嘧啶]
[ 磺胺间甲氧嘧啶]
[ 磺胺林]
[ 磺胺氯哒嗪钠]
[ 磺胺噻唑]
[ 磺胺酸]
[ 磺草酮]
[ 磺化单宁]
[ 磺化栲胶]
[ 磺化栲胶无铬稀释剂]
[ 磺基水杨酸]
[ 磺酸固化剂]
[ 磺酸钾]
[ 磺酸钠]
[ 磺酸钠盐]
[ 磺酰胺]
[ 磺酰氯]
[ 混丙醇]
[ 混醇]
[ 混二酸二甲酯]
[ 混酚]
[ 混合氯化稀土]
[ 混合液晶材料]
[ 混合酯]
[ 混甲胺]
[ 混凝剂]
[ 混旋泛醇]
[ 混旋泛酸钙]
[ 混旋泛酰内酯]
[ 活性白土]
[ 活性白土吸附脱色剂]
[ 活性氟化钾]
[ 活性磷酸钙]
[ 机车清洗剂]
[ 机磷酸酯类阻燃剂]
[ 机械油]
[ 肌氨酸]
[ 肌氨酸钠]
[ 肌苷]
[ 基苯胺]
[ 基丙酰胺]
[ 基磺酰氯]
[ 基甲苯装置]
[ 基哌啶酮]
[ 基酮]
[ 基准试剂]
[ 己二醇]
[ 己二酸二甲酯]
[ 己二酸二酰肼]
[ 己内酰胺]
[ 季戊四醇]
[ 加成酸]
[ 加氢甲基睾酮]
[ 加替沙星环合酯]
[ 夹芯板材]
[ 佳氟涂料用氟树脂]
[ 家俬漆]
[ 甲氨喋呤]
[ 甲氨基甲酰氯]
[ 甲苯胺单磺酸]
[ 甲苯胺装置]
[ 甲醇]
[ 甲醇催化剂]
[ 甲醇钾]
[ 甲醇钠]
[ 甲代烯丙基磺酸钠]
[ 甲代烯丙基氯]
[ 甲酚]
[ 甲砜霉素]
[ 甲磺酸]
[ 甲磺酸酐]
[ 甲磺酸帕苏沙星]
[ 甲磺酸铅]
[ 甲磺酸锡]
[ 甲磺酰胺]
[ 甲磺酰氯]
[ 甲基]
[ 甲基柏木醚]
[ 甲基苯胺]

Hi there,
Fisrt let me thank you all the great work and the self performance over the ICECast streaming server

I also Wonder if anyone had included ICECast directly into a vBulletin board having it worked from there on ..meaning enbable to use same username,permission and prefference from the database itself running on MySQL 5 having as if setting permission on for a usergroupe from there to enable them streaming out on your ICECast server and others can apply and yet just participate into the main forum itself

I do have both running-up over my dedicated server now meanwhile if any would want to help me out creating like this hack or template am willing to give them all access for working over it
can YOU imagine how friendly and powerful that ICECast would mean then

hey give me a shout if willing to try it

== News ==


I would really strongly suggest adding this to your news items... Someone has made a graphical interface for ffmpeg2theora at

I don't know the technical difficulties of building such a tool, but regardless, the ability for a common Windows user like myself to be able to just easily convert a proprietary file format to Ogg-Theora is really cool... I tested it out on the sample WMV file that came with this laptop, and the converted file worked great in Cortado... Of course, news about programs that allow one to record directly to Ogg-Theora would be even better, but this is still very important, imo... [[User:Brettz9|Brettz9]] 20:56, 4 July 2007 (PDT)

== .NET :-( ==

[ 门禁]
> I would really strongly suggest adding this to your news items
[ 监控]
[ 发电机]
Check it out: > Requirements: .NET Framework 2.0
[ 门禁]
[ 门禁]
Also, with 1.5 MiB size it's bigger than FFMPEG2THEORA itself (1.3 MiB after recompressing with UPX 3.0 --ultra-brute) - not that VERY good IMHO.
[ 门禁]
[ 门禁]
: Sorry, do you mean MB as in Megabytes? That's a drop in the bucket of most hard drives nowadays, no? And .NET was already on my system for something I had downloaded earlier (not sure what, but maybe others may have it already too). My interest in seeing it announced is not how well it is implemented--if there are better alternatives let them be known--but that such a tool exists and it works (at least if you get the requirements).
[ 监控]
[ 监控]
== MiB ||| .NET ==
[ 监控]
[ 监控]
> Sorry, do you mean MB as in Megabytes?
[ 监控]
[ 监控]
NO. [[]]
[ 监控]
[ 虚拟主机]
> And .NET was already on my system for something I had downloaded earlier (not sure what, but maybe others may have it already too)
[ asp虚拟主机]
[ php虚拟主机]
I don't have .NET and don't like it :-( Finally, the important thing is the FFMPEG2THEOA core and it works perfectly for me without .NET ;-)
[ unix虚拟主机]
[ windows虚拟主机]
== Link to Games in Demonstrations Section? ==
[ 纯空间虚拟主机]
[ 虚拟主机]
Shouldn't there be a link to [[Games_that_use_Theora]] in the section with other demonstrations?  Maybe there's not enough games listed on the page to warrant it?
[ 虚拟主机]
--[[User:Sim9|Sim9]] 11:47, 27 October 2007 (PDT)
[ 虚拟主机]
[ 虚拟主机]
:Yes. There's only two games listed right now. I'm pretty sure there's more out there. Sim9, can you help us listing more games?--[[User:Saoshyant|Ivo]] 11:56, 28 October 2007 (PDT)
[ 空压机]
[ 压缩机]
::I'm sure you're right, there ''has'' to be more than two. Theora (and Vorbis) is now by default included in the Torque game engine, so there must be a lot of games using it by now. I just polled the Torque community to see if they know of any to help us fill up the list with some successful integrations!  --[[User:Sim9|Sim9]] 19:02, 29 October 2007 (PDT)
[ 消毒剂]
[ 化妆品]
== Add xvid it's opensource ==
[ 战略咨询]
[ 武夷山]
Please add xvid to usable video format in ogv and others.
[ 数据恢复]
It's an open source, mature codec and doesn't have encoder problems theora currently has.
[ 虚拟主机]
Embedding it makes possible to show off ogv files with a codec that shows the tru power of ogv.
[ 装修]
[ 团购]
Please make it possible to put this in, so .ogv can be used immediately with xvid and vorbis/speex/flac to create a mature and temporary solution until theora 1.0 hits the digital streets.
[ 化工泵]
Then users can just batch convert it with their applications whenever they feel/want to do it.
[ 二氧化氯]
(When they think theora is ready.)
[ 网址大全]
Could someone please look into this and tell me if this is possible and/or will be integrated?
[ 网址大全]
--[[User:Vmol|Vmol]] 1 February 2008
[ 网址大全]
[ 网址大全]
:Vmol, you should read about the issues a bit before filling up the whole wiki with so many questions.  Most of your questions, concerns and statements have already been thought about. In this case here, Xvid cannot be considered because it is a patented format. That means it's not a free format like Theora and Xiph cannot use it. Theora is currently now undergoing the last stages of beta to version 1.0 and quality is already at pair with Xvid. Also, users can't simply transcode from one video format to another; you lose quality everytime you do it, because most video formats are lossy.--[[User:Saoshyant|Ivo]] 12:37, 2 February 2008 (PST)
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== Random access Ogg Vorbis decoder written in Java. ==
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And I am very glad that now you have an encoder written in Java. Can vorbis-java-1.0.0 also do the decoding?
[ 网址大全]
Is there an example of how to use vorbis-java decoder?
[ 网址大全]
If yes, can it seek, i.e. decode an Ogg Vorbis bitstream from a random position?
[ 网址大全]
--[[User:Sergey|Sergey]] 12:53, 9 February 2008 (PST)
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== For lossless video compression, make it possible to have Lagarith codec as video ==
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Lagarith is a lossless video codec. Please support it, with supporting I mean that it can be used in the ogg and annodex containers as a native video format.
[ 网址大全]
--[[User:Vmol|Vmol]] 4 May 2008
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[ 网址大全]
:There is also HuffYUV besides Lagarith. Also the new Dirac codec supports lossless compression, reportedly better than anything else. Agree, a lossless codec should be added. Just carefully select one of them ;-) [[User:DOS386|DOS386]] 01:31, 4 May 2008 (PDT)
[ 网址大全]
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:: Lossless compression would still be a good thing to have for Theora.  
[ 线号机]
:: Even if there are other formats available that can do lossless.  
[ 线号机]
:: Not convinced about using another codec, a lossless mode for Theora is useful.  
[ 打号机]
:: Link to Theora todo page where lossless mode is requested:
[ 装修]
:: []
[ 团购]
:: --[[User:Vmol|Vmol]] 25 Jul 2009
[ 装修]
[ 装修]
== Add link to "Reporting Abuse" page on the front page? ==
[ 装修]
[ 装修]
There's been a bunch of spam recently, but I couldn't find any way to report abuse. I've added a skeleton page at [[Reporting abuse]], could we add a link to the front page?
[ 装修]
[ 装修]
== Abuse ==
[ 团购]
[ 发电机]
It's necessary to something about the excesive abuse of this Wiki, link approval is the minimal step for now. Also some additional barriers for registration should be considered. Also a stronger captcha, "3+4" isn't that efficient. [[User:DOS386|DOS386]] 12:44, 16 November 2009 (UTC)
[ 发电机]
[ 发电机]
== Editing Theora?  ==
[ 发电机]
[ 发电机]
Is Theora considered an 'editible' format? Theora seems to be lossy - Is there a lossless, open format for video for use as a 'source' file type? There are a couple editors listed, but they seem pretty 'fringe' - anything more mainstream?  If one wanted to create a 'video warehouse' that was 'pure' with respect to open formats, which file type/codec type would i use? 2009-12-25 15:55 [[User:BenTes]]
[ 发电机]
[ 发电机]
:: > Theora seems to be lossy
[ 发电机]
:: It '''is''' lossy
[ 发电机]
:: > Is there a lossless, open format for video for use as a 'source' file type
[ 减速机]
:: See above, HuffYUV, Lagarith, and Dirac
[ 离心机]
:: > one wanted to create a 'video warehouse' that was 'pure' with
[ 数据恢复]
:: > respect to open formats,
:: :-)
:: > which file type/codec type would i use?
:: For final video, Theora. For intermediate files:
:: * HuffYUV or Lagarith (can exist only inside AVI ??? but this could be changed)
:: * YUV4MPEG (is 'pure' but not compressed)
:: * Dirac in lossles mode (very slow)
:: 2009-12-26 15:36 [[User:DOS386]]
== Plumi (Plone Plugin) - Open Source Web Content Management Software - Shares / Plays OGG / Theora videos ==
Plone is an open source content management website. Plumi is a Plone plugin that supports sharing  and playing OGG videos (OGV) using the open source Cortado applet.
"Plumi is a package of Plone products that enable you to create your own video sharing site. By adding it to an existing Plone instance you can quickly have a wide array of functionality to facilitate video distribution and community creation."
== Suggestions ==
=== Various ===
# Remove Speex from the sidebar, move Opus on the top, same for the locked Main page content.
# Create a [[AllXiphCodecs]] page, listing all codecs, including the historical, obsolete and abandoned ones.
[[User:DOS386|DOS386]] 2012-Dec-22 2013-Feb-04
=== Timed Text/Metadata ===
CMML deprecated, so suggest change section to this:  
====Timed Text/Metadata====
* [[OggKate|Kate]]: Format for lyrics and subtitles
* [[CMML]]: Continuous Media Markup Language, used for [ Annodex] and subtitles (xine, vlc, gstreamer, and DirectShow support; obsoleted by [[OggKate|Kate]])
Could somebody please copy & paste. [[User:Martin.leese|Martin Leese]] ([[User talk:Martin.leese|talk]]) 12:28, 23 November 2017 (PST)
: Thanks. [[User:Martin.leese|Martin Leese]] ([[User talk:Martin.leese|talk]]) 08:34, 24 November 2017 (PST)

Latest revision as of 09:34, 24 November 2017

According to Special:Popularpages, the various pages in the Demonstration section are the most visited parts of the wiki, so I moved that section to the top of the main page. --Andrel 09:19, 26 April 2006 (PDT)

Work in Progress

It's not clear on first view (to me at least) that Main Page#Work in Progress is a link to Work In Progress (as none of the other section headings are). Possibly it should be a normal heading with the link in a short text below (à la Main Page#Other software).

Imalone 05:22, 1 February 2006 (PST)

You are free to fix that. It's a wiki after all -- Jmspeex 19:22, 1 February 2006 (PST)

Done (just didn't want to trample all over the front page) -- Imalone 04:33, 2 February 2006 (PST)

Lock This Page

On all/most other wikis the Main Page is locked so only admins can edit it. Due to the amount of vandalism, I think the Main Page should be locked and all changes discussed here. --SonicChao 05:11, 27 August 2006 (PDT)

Done !

Paranoia / cdparanoia

Why is there no listing under software of paranoia or cdparanoia? Also, there is no listing on the main page. Is that software acknowlegded? --WhiteDragon 19:52, 9 September 2006 (PDT)

Suggestion :-O

First I want to congratulate you on the wonderful work being done. Thank you very much :-) Please allow anonymous edits (like wikipedia does) b'caus i'm too lazy to login :-)

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume the ton of hidden links I just culled has nothing to do with you... I can't speak for the people running Xiph but requiring a login reduces some of the flood of spam that shows up here, and Wikipedia has many more resources available to deal with it than this wiki does. Imalone 06:06, 24 November 2006 (PST)

Proposal for a developer section

As more developers start to "get it" about how ultra cool Ogg / Vorbis / Theora / etc is, wouldn't it be great to have a wiki section devoted to helping these budding programmers along? eg: i've written some nice code i'd be happy to share. Could contain a programming FAQ, how-to's, and real code. Thoughts? Davec 13:44, 6 December 2006 (PST)

Why CamelCase?

MediaWiki supports free links, why are most page titles in the CamelCase format? - Sikon 05:34, 27 February 2007 (PST)

CamelCase? I don't see what you mean. If you think something's wrong, you may go ahead and change it. That's what wikis are for.--Saoshyant 05:37, 27 February 2007 (PST)
Historical reasons. The original wiki used software that only supported CamelCase. For new pages it is fine to use free links. I suggest not renaming pages, as many of them have good search ranking. Andrel 07:03, 27 February 2007 (PST)

I see now. And thanks for the WhatHappened link, Andrel. I managed to recover two pages so far from web archive. I wonder if I'll savage it further.--Saoshyant 08:28, 27 February 2007 (PST)

ICECast2 vs vBulletin

Hi there, Fisrt let me thank you all the great work and the self performance over the ICECast streaming server

I also Wonder if anyone had included ICECast directly into a vBulletin board having it worked from there on ..meaning enbable to use same username,permission and prefference from the database itself running on MySQL 5 having as if setting permission on for a usergroupe from there to enable them streaming out on your ICECast server and others can apply and yet just participate into the main forum itself

I do have both running-up over my dedicated server now meanwhile if any would want to help me out creating like this hack or template am willing to give them all access for working over it can YOU imagine how friendly and powerful that ICECast would mean then

hey give me a shout if willing to try it



I would really strongly suggest adding this to your news items... Someone has made a graphical interface for ffmpeg2theora at

I don't know the technical difficulties of building such a tool, but regardless, the ability for a common Windows user like myself to be able to just easily convert a proprietary file format to Ogg-Theora is really cool... I tested it out on the sample WMV file that came with this laptop, and the converted file worked great in Cortado... Of course, news about programs that allow one to record directly to Ogg-Theora would be even better, but this is still very important, imo... Brettz9 20:56, 4 July 2007 (PDT)

.NET :-(

> I would really strongly suggest adding this to your news items

Check it out: > Requirements: .NET Framework 2.0

Also, with 1.5 MiB size it's bigger than FFMPEG2THEORA itself (1.3 MiB after recompressing with UPX 3.0 --ultra-brute) - not that VERY good IMHO.

Sorry, do you mean MB as in Megabytes? That's a drop in the bucket of most hard drives nowadays, no? And .NET was already on my system for something I had downloaded earlier (not sure what, but maybe others may have it already too). My interest in seeing it announced is not how well it is implemented--if there are better alternatives let them be known--but that such a tool exists and it works (at least if you get the requirements).

MiB ||| .NET

> Sorry, do you mean MB as in Megabytes?

NO. [[1]]

> And .NET was already on my system for something I had downloaded earlier (not sure what, but maybe others may have it already too)

I don't have .NET and don't like it :-( Finally, the important thing is the FFMPEG2THEOA core and it works perfectly for me without .NET ;-)

Link to Games in Demonstrations Section?

Shouldn't there be a link to Games_that_use_Theora in the section with other demonstrations? Maybe there's not enough games listed on the page to warrant it? --Sim9 11:47, 27 October 2007 (PDT)

Yes. There's only two games listed right now. I'm pretty sure there's more out there. Sim9, can you help us listing more games?--Ivo 11:56, 28 October 2007 (PDT)
I'm sure you're right, there has to be more than two. Theora (and Vorbis) is now by default included in the Torque game engine, so there must be a lot of games using it by now. I just polled the Torque community to see if they know of any to help us fill up the list with some successful integrations! --Sim9 19:02, 29 October 2007 (PDT)

Add xvid it's opensource

Please add xvid to usable video format in ogv and others. It's an open source, mature codec and doesn't have encoder problems theora currently has. Embedding it makes possible to show off ogv files with a codec that shows the tru power of ogv.

Please make it possible to put this in, so .ogv can be used immediately with xvid and vorbis/speex/flac to create a mature and temporary solution until theora 1.0 hits the digital streets. Then users can just batch convert it with their applications whenever they feel/want to do it. (When they think theora is ready.) Could someone please look into this and tell me if this is possible and/or will be integrated? --Vmol 1 February 2008

Vmol, you should read about the issues a bit before filling up the whole wiki with so many questions. Most of your questions, concerns and statements have already been thought about. In this case here, Xvid cannot be considered because it is a patented format. That means it's not a free format like Theora and Xiph cannot use it. Theora is currently now undergoing the last stages of beta to version 1.0 and quality is already at pair with Xvid. Also, users can't simply transcode from one video format to another; you lose quality everytime you do it, because most video formats are lossy.--Ivo 12:37, 2 February 2008 (PST)

Random access Ogg Vorbis decoder written in Java.

And I am very glad that now you have an encoder written in Java. Can vorbis-java-1.0.0 also do the decoding? Is there an example of how to use vorbis-java decoder? If yes, can it seek, i.e. decode an Ogg Vorbis bitstream from a random position? --Sergey 12:53, 9 February 2008 (PST)

For lossless video compression, make it possible to have Lagarith codec as video

Lagarith is a lossless video codec. Please support it, with supporting I mean that it can be used in the ogg and annodex containers as a native video format. --Vmol 4 May 2008

There is also HuffYUV besides Lagarith. Also the new Dirac codec supports lossless compression, reportedly better than anything else. Agree, a lossless codec should be added. Just carefully select one of them ;-) DOS386 01:31, 4 May 2008 (PDT)
Lossless compression would still be a good thing to have for Theora.
Even if there are other formats available that can do lossless.
Not convinced about using another codec, a lossless mode for Theora is useful.
Link to Theora todo page where lossless mode is requested:
--Vmol 25 Jul 2009

Add link to "Reporting Abuse" page on the front page?

There's been a bunch of spam recently, but I couldn't find any way to report abuse. I've added a skeleton page at Reporting abuse, could we add a link to the front page?


It's necessary to something about the excesive abuse of this Wiki, link approval is the minimal step for now. Also some additional barriers for registration should be considered. Also a stronger captcha, "3+4" isn't that efficient. DOS386 12:44, 16 November 2009 (UTC)

Editing Theora?

Is Theora considered an 'editible' format? Theora seems to be lossy - Is there a lossless, open format for video for use as a 'source' file type? There are a couple editors listed, but they seem pretty 'fringe' - anything more mainstream? If one wanted to create a 'video warehouse' that was 'pure' with respect to open formats, which file type/codec type would i use? 2009-12-25 15:55 User:BenTes

> Theora seems to be lossy
It is lossy
> Is there a lossless, open format for video for use as a 'source' file type
See above, HuffYUV, Lagarith, and Dirac
> one wanted to create a 'video warehouse' that was 'pure' with
> respect to open formats,
> which file type/codec type would i use?
For final video, Theora. For intermediate files:
* HuffYUV or Lagarith (can exist only inside AVI ??? but this could be changed)
* YUV4MPEG (is 'pure' but not compressed)
* Dirac in lossles mode (very slow)
2009-12-26 15:36 User:DOS386

Plumi (Plone Plugin) - Open Source Web Content Management Software - Shares / Plays OGG / Theora videos

Plone is an open source content management website. Plumi is a Plone plugin that supports sharing and playing OGG videos (OGV) using the open source Cortado applet.

"Plumi is a package of Plone products that enable you to create your own video sharing site. By adding it to an existing Plone instance you can quickly have a wide array of functionality to facilitate video distribution and community creation."




  1. Remove Speex from the sidebar, move Opus on the top, same for the locked Main page content.
  2. Create a AllXiphCodecs page, listing all codecs, including the historical, obsolete and abandoned ones.

DOS386 2012-Dec-22 2013-Feb-04

Timed Text/Metadata

CMML deprecated, so suggest change section to this:

Timed Text/Metadata

  • Kate: Format for lyrics and subtitles
  • CMML: Continuous Media Markup Language, used for Annodex and subtitles (xine, vlc, gstreamer, and DirectShow support; obsoleted by Kate)

Could somebody please copy & paste. Martin Leese (talk) 12:28, 23 November 2017 (PST)

Thanks. Martin Leese (talk) 08:34, 24 November 2017 (PST)