These links usually point to the page with instructions on how to listen to a stream, not to the station's main homepage. We don't link directly to the stream because they tend to move around, because the stations like having people visit their websites, and this way you can compare Vorbis with the other legacy proprietary codecs many of these stations still use.
Note: an old version of this page from before the server crash is available through the web archive. We'll slowly be verifying those links are still valid and moving them over.
Automatically updated directories
- Icecast directory, the official xiph.org directory.
Live streams
- ACB Radio Interactive Music DJed by blind and partially sighted people from around the globe.
- Brazillbient Lounge easy listening for punk rockers.
- CBC Radio One & Two public radio, Toronto, Canada.
- Český Rozlas 3 public-radio channels, Czech Republic.
- CUR 1350-AM Churchill College student radio, Cambridge, UK.
- Junction11 University of Reading student radio, Reading, UK.
- KCSM-FM jazz music, San Mateo, CA, USA.
- KPFA-FM Pacifica Network public radio, Berkeley, CA, USA.
- KRCL-FM community radio, Salt Lake City, UT, USA.
- KPSU Portland State University student radio, Portland, OR, USA.
- KQLZ-FM rock & roll, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
- LORA München talk radio, Munich, Germany.
- NRK Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation, all channels live.
- ORF FM-4 pop/rock music, Vienna, Austria.
- Radio Akropolis Prague, Czech Republic.
- Radio FG techno music, Paris, France.
- Radio France 8 channels from Paris.
- Radio ianux homegrown music from Bordeaux, France.
- Radio Six International eclectic music mix, Glasgow, Scotland.
- Radio Słuchaj Poland.
- Surge Southampton University student radio, Southampton, UK.
- STREAPS Audio Stream Merger
- URN 1350-AM student radio, Nottingham, UK.
- Virgin Radio Virgin Radio, UK.
- WCBN-FM University of Michigan student radio, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.
- WCLV-FM classical music, Cleveland, OH, USA.
- WCPE-FM classical music, Wake Forest, NC, USA.
- WFMU-FM community radio, Jersey City, NJ, USA.
- WGDR-FM community radio, Plainfield, VT, USA.
- Wicked Karma Live 4 channels, Sim City.
- WSIA-FM CUNY student radio, Staten Island, New York, NY, USA.
- WXDU-FM Duke University student radio, Durham, NC, USA.
- IRS TLIS College Radio, Bratislava, Slovakia.
Archived streams
- Democracy Now is a news program broadcast daily in the USA.
- Quirks & Quarks is a science program broadcast weekly in Canada.
- EBM-Radio German Radiostation. EBM, Futurepop, Industriel in mp3pro and vorbis
Discontinued streams
These streams are no longer working; they are mentioned for historical interest.
- BBC test stream offline since 2003-01-03.
- Free radio Linux speech synthesizer reading the Linux source code, offline since mid-2004.
- San Francisco Liberation Radio busted by the feds, offline since 2003-10-15.
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