All the codecs have some internal mechanism for including metadata about the current stream. Generally, this is one of the codec headers, and in the words of the vorbis spec, "It is meant for short, text comments...much like someone jotting a quick note on the bottom of a CDR."
This works well enough for most things, and can be overloaded/abused (depending on your point of view) for most other things. But there are three major requirements that point to the design of an external metadata format; one that can be interleaved with the other streams in a container.
- Machinability There are a number of items of metadata that a player will want to parse and take action on. While there are usually 'convention' schemes for doing this with the embedded comment headers, this is much easier if there is a separate metadata stream designed for such use, instead of having to do best-effort parsing of natural language comments. For example, a video file with multiple audio tracks can specify the language of each one; a player than can parse these reliably can match them against a language preference list configured by the user to automatically select and begin playback of the best option.
- Kitchen Sink There are a minority of people who care passionately about having every detail about a track available. In the sense of conserving such information, and providing an equivalent to liner notes for online distribution, this is a goal worth supporting. However, the simple unstructured key-value pairs offered by the inline metadata are unwieldy for this level of detail. How do you tell the 2nd unit Assistant Director from the USA unit Assistant Director? How do you indicate which artist played tenor sax in the solo?
- Addressability The internal comment metadata headers are by necessity attached to a single content stream. This is useful for some appication, but a limitation in others. In a multiplexed stream, which set of comments refers to the collection as a whole? (By convention, in Ogg, it's the first logical bitstream occuring, but we can do better.) A separate metadata stream type must address this issue of collective metadata while still allowing description of individual streams. It should also allow temporal addressability, so that changes can be described. Because the in-stream comment metadata are part of the codec headers, it cannot change over the course of the stream, and allowing additional comment packets elsewhere in the stream presents seeking challenges. In the Ogg container this can be resolved by inserting a chain boundary, but this is a poor option for very-low-bitrate streams and unreliable transports such as RTP.
Proposed Solutions
RDF + dublin core
XML-encoding (generic rdf or CMML?) 空压机 压缩机 发电机 数据恢复 一号通 装修 团购 装潢 装潢 装修 装修 装修 团购 粉碎机 门禁 监控 监控 监控 监控 监控 监控 监控 门禁 门禁 门禁 门禁 虚拟主机 二氧化氯 fireworks gemstone globe 监控 网址大全 游戏网址大全 下载网址大全 军事网址大全 音乐网址大全 邮箱网址大全 FLASH网址大全 新闻网址大全 社区网址大全 证券网址大全 爱情网址大全 贺卡网址大全 文学网址大全 聊天网址大全 虚拟主机 fireworks 虚拟主机 短信群发 短信群发软件 企业名录 网络营销 信息发布 网站登录 空压机 压缩机 邮件群发 短信群发 企业名录 邮件地址搜索 邮件地址管理
温湿度 管道 催化剂 电子秤 电加热器 开关柜 建材机械 保险柜 电路板 乳胶漆 工程塑料 特许经营 楼宇自控 喷码机 液位计 聚丙烯酰胺 电磁铁 超市设备 薄膜开关 指纹考勤 渔具 跑步机 防腐设备 锁具 弹簧 纸箱 煤炭 保龄球 木地板 家用电器 植绒 钻头 冲压件 建筑机械 实木地板 捏合机 整流器 酒店用品 升降台 转换器 软件下载 喷砂机 制罐 工业炉 生产线 瓷器 搅拌机 印刷机械 综合布线 避雷器 减震器 色织 燃烧器 机电设备 防雷器 地坪 [ 纸品 冷弯型钢 木工机械 物流设备 铁塔 非开挖 热电偶 保险箱 吸塑机 喷漆 过滤材料 电刷 [1] 采暖 机械加工 照相器材 电镀原料 毛毡 交通设施 消毒机 压滤机 刻字机 接口转换器 电视电话会议 贴纸相机 橡胶机械 喷泉设备 丝印 精细化工 塑胶玩具 五金模具 电子设备 企业形象设计 指纹识别 搬运车 牛仔布 电动车配件 会议系统 终端服务器 录音笔 球磨机 园林设计 路由器 手套箱 实验室设备 童装 手机美容 户外用品 证卡 机床附件 彩电 酒店管理 电话录音 油墨 布线 蜡烛 印刷包装 表面活性剂 节能灯 调味品 齿轮 高压泵 红外热像仪 [ttp:// 塑料托盘] 吊带 工业锅炉 休闲服 反光材料 印刷设备 足球推介 热处理 压铸 商标注册 喷灌 逆变器 输送带 锻造 车库门 体育器材 太阳能热水器 绝缘材料 焊管 鼓风机 试验 插座 艺术品 矿山机械 图像监控 无缝钢管 激光切割 标签打印机 燃气表 手机配件 卫星定位 印染 玻璃机械 铝型材 注塑 液压升降机 打标机 工具柜 焚烧炉 电力设备 干燥剂 计量泵 程控交换机
binary encoding (three-component length-encoded binary vectors)