IceS/Getting Started
< IceS
Debian 8 Quick Start Guide
Installing Ices2
- I.) Open a terminal and operate from the root user.
- A.) su to root or skip this step and use sudo if available.
$ su
- II.) Install Ices2 with apt-get
- A.) Use apt-get or sudo apt-get
$ apt-get install ices2
$ sudo apt-get isntall ices2
Configuring Ices2
- I.) Create an Ices2 config file.
- A.) Navigate to /usr/share/doc/ices2/examples for some example configuration files to run Ices2 with.
$ cd /usr/share/doc/ices2/examples
- B.) Copy an appropriate example configuration file to an appropriate directory
$ cp ices-playlist.xml /home/SOME_USER/.ices2/ices-playlist_v00.xml
- C.) Edit some of the basics within the configuration file using nano or a graphical text editor of your choice.
$ nano /home/SOME_USER/.ices2/ices-playlist_v00.xml
- II.) Configuration, suggestions, and tips for your configuration file.
- A.) Tell Ices2 to run in the background when executed.
- B.) Name your stream, define some genres, and give a brief description of it.
<metadata> <name>Example stream name</name> <genre>Example genre</genre> <description>A short description of your stream</description> </metadata>
- C.) Create and add a playlist to be used.
- 1.) Use find, pwd, and grep together to pipe out the file contents of your music directory folder to create a playlist.
- a.) For example, create a directory and fill it with the music you would like to create
- 1.) Use find, pwd, and grep together to pipe out the file contents of your music directory folder to create a playlist.
- C.) Create and add a playlist to be used.
$ mkdir /home/SOME_USER/Music/Streams/Stream-00
- b.) Fill that directory with some music files. For example, say you copy over an album composed of .ogg files.
$ cp -r /home/SOME_USER/Music/My_Music_Collection/John_Grisham/Grishams_Greatest_Hits /home/SOME_USER/Music/Streams/Stream-00
- c.) Navigate to your stream's music directory and create a playlist.
$ cd /home/SOME_USER/Music/Streams/Stream-00 $ find $(pwd) -type f | grep .ogg > Stream-00_Playlist.txt
- d.) You can now open the new playlist file and check to make sure everything checks out.
$ nano Stream-00_Playlist.txt
- 2.) Add the playlist to the configuration file.
<param name="file">/home/SOME_USER/Music/Streams/Stream-00/Stream-00_Playlist.txt</param>
- 3.) Tell Ices2 to randomly play selected files from the playlist (shuffle).
<param name="random">1</param>
- D.) At this point Ices2 should be ready to roll. However, there are a few more settings you will want to change. Refer to the ices docs for more detailed configuration.
- 1.) Assuming Ices2 is running on the same machine as Icecast2 make sure the hostname and port match that of the icecast.xml configuration file for Icecast2
- D.) At this point Ices2 should be ready to roll. However, there are a few more settings you will want to change. Refer to the ices docs for more detailed configuration.
<hostname>localhost</hostname> <port>8000</port>
- 2.) Change the password to match the source password configured in the icecast.xml configuration file and change the default mountpoint.
<password>something_other_than-hackme</password> <mount>/John_Grisham.ogg</mount>
Start Ices2
- I.) Start Ices2!
$ ices2 /home/SOME_USER/.ices2/ices-playlist_v00.xml
Stop Ices2
- I.) To stop ices2 we can send it a SIGTERM with killall to terminate it in a friendly manner.
$ killall ices2