some samples to test your theora decoder
a decoder must play all these files without problems to comply with the theora specification.
320x240.ogg [0.3 MB]
- simple example
320x240.ogv [0.3 MB]
- simple example with Skeleton Stream
320x240.skeleton+cmml.ogv [0.3 MB]
- simple example with Skeleton and CMML Stream
pixel_aspect_ratio.ogg - Frame Aspect Ratio: 1.82/1 [1.8 MB]
- defined pixel aspect ratio in header, it also has a theora comment header
videotestsrc-720x576-16-15.ogg - PAL DVD format / Frame Aspect Ratio: 1.33/1 [422K]
- defined pixel aspect ratio in header
322x242_not-divisible-by-sixteen-framesize.ogg [0.3 MB]
- if you see a black border around the testimage you should have a look at the Spec/2.2 on page 22, to see how to use: ti.width, ti.height, ti.frame_width, ti.frame_height, ti.offset_x, ti.offset_y
chained_streams.ogg [2.4 MB]
- all other samples as a chained stream. (see Spec/A.3.1 on page 157)
multi2.ogg [171 K]
- another chained file
mobile_itu601_i_422.ogg [8 MB]
- 4:2:2 pixel format, in the original spec and supported by the mainline decoder since alpha8 and the mainline encoder since 1.1.
stockholm-vfr.ogg [1.8 MB]
- Hybrid 24fps/30fps clip encoded as 120fps with dropped frames.
offset_test.ogv [0.2 MB]
- Ogg Theora video with large offset, output should look like offset_test.pass.png, but not like
ducks_take_off_444_720p25.ogg [7.2 MB]
- Ogg Theora video 4:4:4 pixel format.
sign_irene_cif-3qi-b.ogg [1.3 MB]
- Ogg Theora video using 3qi (adapative quantization).