Opus-tools is a collection of tools for working with opus files currently under development.
- working build system
- Robust wav input (steal battle tested code from oggenc, e.g. float and multichannel works)
- Resampling
- bitrate selection
- Application selection (audio/voip)
- Mode forcing
- Metadata (emulate oggenc feature set)
- Multichannel
- Muxing delay control (naive usage of libogg will result in 5 second mux delay on silence)
- Not needed in initial release:
- Exposes all sanely exposable parts of the Opus API (important for testing, even if things are hidden)
- Flac input (?; code for this is in oggenc)
- Resampling
- Multichannel
- metadata display
- Wav output
- audio playback (libao?) or omit and leave for ogg123
- Not needed for the initial release:
- Lookahead limiter (copy from postfish)
- Dither for 16 bit output