Todo list for
If you're interested in helping out, this is a good place to start. Also, asking on irc (#vorbis, #theora, #annodex or #xiph on is a good way to get oriented.
- Ices needs Speex support
- Icecast toolchain needs support for WebM.
- Icecast toolchain needs support for CELT. NOTE: CELT Ogg encapsulation may change.
- Oggenc and Ogg123 need OggPCM support (encoding and playback respectively)
- Test and fix 'downstream' applications
- Create Xiph.Org conference swag: brochures, posters, toys, demo disks, etc. (don't do this without coordinating with folks)
- Update the todos
Several projects have their own todo lists in the wiki.
We always need people to help with the websites as well.
- See also the Bounties page