XSPF Todo list
- Due diligence on legal agreement. What exactly are the XSPF and Xiph people committing to?
- commitment to open/royalty-free
DanBri suggests:
"http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Patent-Policy-20040205/#sec-Requirements It would be re-assuring if Xiph would explicitly (re)confirm their commitment to open, royalty-free standards in this area. From a look at the Xiph site, I'd guess that shouldn't be a problem..." - what was the arrangement between FLAC and Xiph when they did a similar thing in 2003?
- talk to Xiph lawyer?
- who owns XSPF copyrights and trademark?
- can either side back out later?
- read the 501c and other legal documents
- commitment to open/royalty-free
- Point xspf.org to Xiph server.
- Xiph admin to initiate transfer, Rob Kaye to confirm it.
- Change look to use xiph style?
- Finish moving source control to svn at Xiph.
- Move the mailing list? How to do that without affect Musicbrainz.org?
- Press release similar to 2003 press release for FLAC arrangement. Jack Moffit?
- Introduce XSPF and Xiph people -- get together at monthly meeting? First wednesday of the month, #xiphmeet, 12GMT odd months 23:59 GMT even months.