Vorbis Hardware

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This is a list of hardware of all categories, from mobile players to chipsets, that support Ogg Vorbis.

There are currently more than 40 different companies offering a total of more than a hundred products that support decoding Ogg Vorbis. Most likely you'll find a product that meets your demands, if not, come back next week. New products are added on a weekly basis, as many companies are working to support it on their hardware.

If you know of any other hardware or projects, please add them to the list. More hardware info can be found at vorbis hardware page.

Consumer products

These players support Ogg Vorbis either out of the box or after a firmware upgrade.

For hardware that is able to run third-party software (such as PDAs), please visit VorbisSoftwarePlayers. 好乐购物护肤品护肤名牌化妆品好乐购物网杭州化妆品杭州购物杭州护肤品购物保钓钓鱼岛钓鱼台中国保钓保钓网保钓同盟爱国者临安网站建设情狮网络科技网站建设临安网络公司临安网站推广网站建设网站推广虚拟主机 网站建设平面设计企业邮局域名注册虚拟空间 主机托管 平面设计网页设计vi设计包装设计包装设计IC除湿机杭州花店浙江人才市场杭州人才市场浙江人才网杭州人才网深圳网站建设深圳网站制作深圳网络公司深圳网页设计深圳网页制作杭州花店杭州鲜花杭州婚庆杭州婚庆司仪杭州婚庆主持腰带翻译网上学校 网上培训 教育培训 远程教育 远程培训 二极管三极管电容电阻电位器集成电路变频器连接器传感器电感器绝缘材料磁性材料开关放大器电动机发电机插座插头电池充电器电热设备仪器仪表五金电路板继电器电子管半导体光电元件电源屏蔽器手机信号屏蔽器google 排名 网站排名 google 左侧排名 搜索引擎排名 网站优化搜索引擎优化 电子 电子元器件 癌症 google排名google左侧排名搜索引擎优化网站推广网络营销

Non-consumer products

This is Vorbis in Silicon, meaning chips from which actual consumer products can be built.

A hardware/software implementation with a good report showing how to make FPGAs and the like to decode Vorbis streams.
FineArch, Inc. developed a hardware core and control software for decoding Vorbis. This technology can be integrated into portable players or cell phones, and since it runs at only 12MHz, it uses very little battery power. It supports files up to 64Kb/s, but could be scaled to 16MHz and 128Kb/s, at the expense of battery life. For more information, see FineArch’s press release.
MCS Logic creates single chip decoders that can play Ogg Vorbis. They supply the Vorbis decoding chips for Havin and Freemax.
Telechips has developed the TCC72x, a single chip decoder that can play Vorbis. The TCC72x series is based on on an ARM940T core, and it is used widely in Korea for players such as Iops or MobiBlu.
Tamul Multimedia manufactures decoding chips for Samsung. They claim they have Ogg Vorbis decoding firmware, according to The Digital Times (Korean).
SigmaTel hasn't announced anything that we've heard, but we do like this quote:

"I talked to Deborah Clark, product marketing engineer for audio chipmaker Sigmatel out of Austin, Tex. She is the company's expert in audio decoders. She says there is a growing base of support for Ogg Vorbis. "We can't keep paying these high licensing fees for this. Manufacturers would flock to something that's free."

from a 2000 column in Forbes