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¿Qué es Spread Open Media?

Spread Open Media es el único sitio web donde encontrará todo lo que necesita saber acerca de los formatos de medios que ayudarán a construir un mundo mejor. Y si usted cree en nuestra causa, tal vez querrá informar sobre estos formatos nuevos a todas las personas que conoce, porque la ignorancia es su peor enemigo. Así que únase a la lucha para liberar el contenido que a usted le interesa de las corporaciones que quieren restringir sus derechos y aprisionar sus archivos.

En SOM encontrará campañas a las que se puede unir, material publicitario que puede usar, tutoriales para ayudar a sus amigos, una base de datos de productos que funcionan con formatos de Medios Abiertos y un directorio de cosas interesantes para ver y escuchar.

Los formatos de Medios Abiertos tienen en cuenta la innovación, la calidad, y la libertad. A través de ellos, y solo a través de ellos, tienen sentido proyectos como Wikipedia y Creative Commons. A través de ellos, y solo A través de ellos, podrán el video y el audio trabajar en la red tan fácilmente como lo hacen las imágenes ahora. Es hora de promoverlos. Es hora de Difundir los Medios Abiertos (Spread Open Media).

¿Cómo puedo ayudar?

Hay muchas cosas que puede hacer:

  • Empiece a usar formatos de Medios Abiertos.
  • Comparta solo formatos de Medios Abiertos.
  • Cree enlaces a este sitio. Tenemos algunos banners que puede usar.
  • Informe a las compañias su deseo de usar formatos de Medios Abiertos (vea el proyecto MailOgging).
  • Únase a una de las campañas.
  • Sugiera campañas nuevas.
  • Ayude a traducir este sitio a otros idiomas.
  • Páguele a un programador para que arregle programas existentes que no funcionen bien con formatos de Medios Abiertos.
  • Pague para anunciar la causa de SOM en algún lugar.
  • Grabe podcasts en Speex. Publique música en Vorbis o FLAC. Use Theora para video. Cree gráficos SVG o PNG para su sitio web. Use OpenDocument en su oficina. Comparta listas de reproducción XSPF.
  • Evite MP3, AAC, H.264, Xvid, y OOXML como si fueran una plaga.

What Open Media formats are there?

Here’s a list of the most common:

This list is not complete.

Why do free/open media formats matter for either the Free Software, Free Culture, or Open Source movements?

Let's just say that without Open Media formats there's really no point for any of those projects. Media is content. When it's locked in proprietary formats, you remove the freedom of the users to use it. If you believe in the ideals of any of those movements, you should not create content under proprietary formats or create tools that work with these formats only.

But I don't care about any of those movements. I'm just a normal guy/girl.

Then focus on the more “practical” aspects of Open Media formats. Most of them provide better audio or visual quality than their proprietary counter-parts. All of them are confirmed to work in the future, whereas with proprietary formats you never know what the corporation is planning. And there's no DRM. Open Media formats are not crippled or defective by design. They provide you with what you want: content.

But the pirates won't release material under Open Media formats!

Unfortunately, piracy will always exist. More unfortunately, the rise of formats is always due to piracy: look at VHS and MP3 cases.

While we will not advocate nor condemn piracy, the problem with the warez scene is that they release material on the currently popular formats. Open Media can be popular as well as long as people work to make it so. So, while we will not advocate nor condemn piracy, we hope the warez scene will wake up and do the right thing. The warez scene believes it's doing the world a favor. Maybe they should prove that by going further and use Open Media formats only.

However, pirated content will not get a clean legal status no matter how open and free the media format involved is. Never forget that. Magnatune and other online stores will sell you content under Open Media formats.

How do I edit SOM articles?

Easy. Follow the [ edit ] link at the bottom of every post. It will lead you to a wiki where you may help improve the articles.

How may I contribute content to the SOM project?

Please go to this page.

Why the acronym SOM?

SOM is the Portuguese word for "sound". The name was chosen because of the sound of every voice asking to Spread Open Media.

Who's behind SOM?

See credits.

What is this Ogg thing I keep hearing about?

Ogg is a container format. It’s complex, but you don’t need to know the details. Just keep in mind that Theora is sometimes called Ogg Video and Vorbis called Ogg Audio, because they both go inside Ogg.

You may also see some ignorant companies promoting so-called “OGG players”. There’s two serious problems here: Ogg is NOT an acronym and these companies are fooling their customers into thinking Ogg _is_ Vorbis, which is not true. So, if you see a company selling a player with support for “OGG”, it means it can play Vorbis, but very likely it won’t play any of Theora, Speex, OggPCM, OggMNG, or OggUVS.

To avoid confusion just forget about Ogg altogether and call the formats by their appropriate name, regardless of their connection to the Ogg project.

Is SOM related with PlayOgg?

No. That's a campaign of the Free Software Foundation.

How do I put a license in my video or audio files?

If you own the copyright of a media work you may license it under whatever conditions you like. Check this tutorial for instructions on how to do it.