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OggPlay is a library designed to allow drop-in playback of Xiph.Org media in an application. OggPlay handles demuxing and decoding, generates timestamps for raw data, maintains synchronisation across multiple streams, and provides a lock-free buffer implementation for easy multithreading.

An example use of OggPlay library is OggPlay Mozilla Firefox plugin demonstrating how the library can be used to provide Ogg playback in a web browser. OggPlay plugin is implemented through Mozilla NPAPI. The target platforms for the plugin are: Linux/UNIX, Win200x/XP/Vista and MACOSX. The libary as much as the plugin are open source under triple MPL/GPL/LGPL license. For more details about Mozilla licesing refer to Mozilla Code Licensing.

OggPlay was an experimental work in progress and was eventually replaced within Firefox by a separate native playback implementation.

OggPlay was developed under the Annodex project, in co-operation with Xiph.Org. A repository for maintenance is available at https://gitlab.xiph.org/xiph/liboggplay. Source code packages can be found at https://downloads.xiph.org/releases/liboggplay/.

Developer's Guide


For instructions how to compile and install Linux version of OggPlay Mozilla plugin refer to Linux Developement and Intallation Guide.


The Win32 version of the plugin has been developed and tested on Win200x/XP platforms.

For detailed instructions how to setup Mozilla plugin development environment and start hacking on Win32 version of OggPlay Mozilla Firefox plugin go to Win32 Development and Installation Guide.
The same link provides links to the plugin binaries and instructions how to install and test Oggplay Mozilla plugin.


Check out http://svn.annodex.net/liboggplay/trunk/plugin/mac/mac-annodex-dev-install.sh, put it in a working directory somewhere, run the script, and follow the directions.

Plugin Javascript API

View the draft OggPlay plugin Javascript API